Saturday, January 9, 2010

apparently french men don't need sleep to function.

Grego worked last night, from 6pm-8am.  His normal routine is to come home and go to bed the next morning until 2-3-4ish in the afternoon.  But today I awoke to him knocking on my door, asking if I was home (around 10.30a).  He wondered if I wanted to go shopping with him at some huge mall.

We spent casi-the entire day at this gigantic commercial park, 20 minutes south of Madrid, with store after store of discounted name-brand clothes.  We got back around 5:30pm, but he had to make a few more stops around town, so he dropped me off at home.  I left a bit after six to meet up with Sergio, and still hadn't seen Gregorio return to the apartment.

I get home around 9:30 tonight and Gregorio has just woken up from a 3 hr nap.  He tells me he needs to shower and get ready.  He's going out with a friend tonight.  They left here around 12:30am.  Did I mention Gregorio works tomorrow during the day?

I would not be functioning if I were him.

1 comment:

  1. Switching to Spanish in your title for only one word makes it look like you can't spell and forgot a 't.'
